Cana Week

July 6-12, 2025

St. Anthony Retreat, Three Rivers, California

Registration Open!

CANA Week a week-long retreat for couples at St. Anthony Retreat near Sequoia National Park in California. Take time away to strengthen your marriage and deepen your spiritual life. The week includes teachings, prayer, time together as a couple, fun, relaxation and celebration!


  • REDISCOVER the joy of marriage through themes such as communication, forgiveness, intimacy and commitment

  • BE OPEN to the activity of God who builds up and teaches us to love and forgive

  • SHARE with your spouse and other couples the riches and difficulties of marriage

  • CELEBRATE the joy of life together as a couple and as a family

  • REJUVINATE in a beautiful setting by hiking, swimming, swinging in hammocks or playing games


    Children are welcome! Concurrently children participate in their own programming led by trained and enthusiastic volunteers, freeing up parents to focus on their marriage. Large group and smaller age-specific activities and spiritual formation create a fun, meaningful and memorable week for all the kids.

  • Cost:

    • Couple:  $1,800

      Family: $2,800

      • As with all CANA events, participants contribute to retreat costs as they are able and as they feel led. All are welcome and no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. 

“CANA week was an incredible blend of having time and space to encounter God with my spouse while enjoying the food, fellowship, and fun of spending a week with other wonderful families. We were deeply impressed by the invitational nature of the week, the diversity of the families that participated, and the commitment to facilitating an encounter with God rather than relying on principles and programs.”
— Nick Turman-Bryant
Cana Week was better than Disneyland!
— Judah, 8